
Pack of 20 Premium Handmade Incense Sticks made on the right phase of the moon and right cycle of the day.

Seraphinite is believed to both center and energize at the same time, and though it may be used for any or all chakras, it is believed to be particularly attuned to the Heart Chakra. It assists the user to reach beyond the temporal physical self and access other levels of power and wisdom. Use with spells, incantations, ritual, and ceremony. Can also be used as a most powerful meditation aid!

Product Description

Pack of 20 Premium Handmade Incense Sticks made on the right phase of the moon and right cycle of the day.

Seraphinite is believed to both center and energize at the same time, and though it may be used for any or all chakras, it is believed to be particularly attuned to the Heart Chakra. It assists the user to reach beyond the temporal physical self and access other levels of power and wisdom. Use with spells, incantations, ritual, and ceremony. Can also be used as a most powerful meditation aid!

These incense sticks are handmade in small batches with special hand sifted herbs and hand blended with our oils. Stone and crystal dust (depending on scent) are also be used and is blended with a sacred oil formula that soaks into the stick of incense.

Our formulas have been passed down for up to 30 generations. The herbs and spices are hand selected, hand dipped, consecrated and then blended at just the right time in our planetary cycle for their strongest effect. Our incense stick recipe is from a family formula that has been passed down since the 1960’s. We carry a small stock of the most popular incense sticks titles, but most individual orders are made to order to ensure freshness. If it’s rainy and snowy (winter and spring) in the Ozarks it may take a bit longer for the incense sticks to dry.

Incense is believed to help focus a higher sense of awareness and to bring one out of the mundane world, transporting them into the realm of spirit. Each scent makes a connection with a particular intention historically attributed to that scent by Euro, Afro, Eastern and Latin cultures.

Materials – select hand-sifted herbs, flowers, roots, in some cases stone or crystal dust, our handblended oils, moonlight

Made in our workshop in Arkansas, USA

Additional Information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 2 × 14 in


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